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SUPRA INERTIO 750D Heating - electric, oil bath, variable levels of heating, thermostat, electric radiator is a radiator INERTIO750D The inertia SUPRA. A gentle heat, perfectly controlled by the electronic control and programming of seven days, provides ideal comfort and real savings.

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299,00 €


Key Features

Power: The availability and cost of fuels and energy sources vary by location. Before choosing your furnace, be sure to take this into considération.Électrique
Heating element: The ceramic heaters are particularly suitable for smaller spaces such as kitchens or bathrooms. These models include ceramic pieces, which are electrically heated in order to conduct heat. N
NThe radiator coil or ribbon also work on electricity for heating coils in them. These coils heat spread throughout the area. They are found often in the radiator fan. N
NThe halogen heaters radiate heat efficiently with their infrared halogen lamps. Their operating principle is the same as that heats light bulbs, and more powerful.
NThe halogen heaters use a radiation technology that warms the same way as the sun, they warm the surfaces, not air. When the temperature of the surfaces exceeds that of air, they begin to warm the air. N
NThe flame heaters operate on natural gas or kerosene and burn with a real flame. This type of device is a tendency to dry the air, especiallyin small rooms. n
NThe oil bath heaters do not burn fuel but use electricity to heat the oil in their tanks métalliques.À oil bath
Levels of heating: As the number of positions for heating is high, the better you can control the heat released by the device. Varying levels
Features: Thermostat
Safety: Approval CSA / CE


Width: 74 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Height: 57 cm


Exterior Color: White
UPC: 3119831510958
Product No.: 28582221
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