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URBAN (MHU05UF) USB Hub - USB Hub, USB 2.0, Form factor: Desktop, Up to 480 Mbps, SUPPLY ** PRO ** Urban Reserve to Companies Crazy 4-Port Hub - Hub (hub) - 4 x Hi- Speed ​​USB - Desktop

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12,90 €




Key Features

Type: Choose the appropriate USB hub:
N A USB hub is a device that connects through a USB connection only rising, it replicates to multiple USB connections down.
N USB switches have multiple uplinks that can be selected through a switching mechanism. They are used to control a device shared by several USB ports.Concentrateur
USB / Firewire: Abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. This is an external bus standard designed to replace serial and parallel ports. Accepts standard USB device installation mode "Plug and Play." A single USB port can connect up to 127 devices.
N The original version of USB (1.1) provides a maximum data rate 12 Mbit / s. n USB 2.0 (also known as Hi-Speed ​​USB) was created to allow higher data rates, required technologies latest. USB 2.2 offers a higher data rate of 480 Mbps and is fully compatible with USB 1.1, up to use the same types of connectors and câbles.USB 2.0
Form Factor: Bureau office switches, the most common and largest of such switches are designed to be placed on a desktop et even stacked.
N Mini These can be connected by a plug in the USB slot of the PC via a "dongle" (a short cable), the body of the device with two to six USB ports extra bucks . N Key Connects directly to PC without a cable with a male connector.
N Bay is part of a drive location, not in a USB slot externe.Bureau
Data transfer rate: The rate at which data can be transferred from one device to another. The data rate is often measured in "megabits" (one million bits) or megabytes (million bytes) per second, respectively, and are written in short and Mops.Jusqu Mbps to 480 Mbps


Product No.: 98533390
UPC: 3760170841168
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