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Lost: Xbox 360

Lost: Xbox 360

Lost: Xbox 360 - Action, Rating: Not recommended for under 13, published by: Ubi Soft Entertainment, LOST MISSING THE XBOX 360

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4,99 €


Key Features

Publisher: The publisher is the company responsible for creating the game packaging, distribution and promotion. However, the developer is the company that actually creates the product. Players can be influenced by the reputation of the editor, because it delivers excellent gaming in general or in a class spécifique.Ubi Soft Entertainment
Genre: The genre of the game defines the main activity is the player in a game, for example, adventure games, action and combat require a more physical player, puzzle games and games of role requires thought and reasoning, racing cars require rapid coordination of eye and hand, and sports games simulate the type of sport spécifique.Action
ESRB Rating: The ESRB rating system is designed to help users and parents to assess the type of audience is for each game and choose games with content appropriate to their age or their children.

Ranking EC (Early Childhood)
Titles rated EC are suitable for children from 3 years. They do not contain violence or questionable content.

Rated T (Teen)
Titles rated T suitable for users from the age of 13. They may contain violence, coarse languageor rude and suggestive themes.

Rated AO (Adults ONLY)
Titles rated AO are only suitable for adults. They may contain scenes of violence and / or sex very realistic. These products are not intended for children under 18.

Titles rated E suitable for users from age 6. They may include some violence, elements of mischief and / or mild language.

Ranking M (MATURE)
Titles rated M suitable for users starting at age 17. They may contain erotic scenes, scenes more violent and / or language coarser than the games in the category T.

Ranking RP (Rating Pending)
Titles rated RP are being evaluated by the ESRB before being finally classified as a category.

Not recommended for under 13
ESRB Description: Scenes of violence
Mild violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference


Release Date: February 2008
UPC: 3307210409416
Produkt ID: 49391398

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