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Severin Km3872 90w Electric Blades Grinder

Severin Km3872 90w Electric Blades Grinder

Severin Km3872 90w Electric Blades Grinder - Grinder blades, electric, 90 Watt, knife inoxInterrupteur sécuritépermettant the use of a single dumoulin mainCouvercle transparentRangement cord Power: 90 WCouleur: White / Grey

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13,81 €


Key Features

Type: The mills have a small electric motor that drives the wheels or blades to grind coffee. Most electric mills have a single button control. Press to grind continuously. Press then release the button quickly to get an effect of pulsation. Many more expensive models may have settings determine the exact duration of grinding and control over the fineness of grind. Mills
manual work by activating a mechanism of grinding by hand. Although slower, they can choose exactly the fineness of grain.Électrique
Method of grinding: The blade grinders are the most economical electric models. They use sharp metal blades that spin very fast at a constant speed to grind the coffee beans. These blades pulverize coffee beans until desired consistency is reached. The fine grain is determined solely by the duration of milling. Mills

grinding are generally more expensive and use a method recommended by most experts. Mills grinders crush the beans to expose more surface water, to extract all the aromas. This method produces much less heat, thus maintaining the sustainability of flavorsand taste, for a coffee of great qualité.Moulin leaf
Power: 90 Watt


Material: Stainless steel blades
Orders: Most mills have a single button control. Press to grind continuously. Often, the on / off button has a function controlled by a quick press of the switch. .
The larger models or high-end can have presets or timer that determines precisely the time to grind and provides good control of the finesse.Bouton on / off


Exterior Color: Choose the color of your mill café.Blanc, Blue
Product No.: 37053412
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