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Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 40,453 - Company - Fly Hat - SSF Hupf mein Hutchens. Schwung und sind gefragt Geschicklichkeit, wenn die Spieler mit Hilfe von Katapulthänden ihre durch die Luft fliegen Hutchens und lassen sich so ein spannend Wetthüpfen liefern. Wer trifft und in die meisten Löcher gewinnt die Medaillen wertvollsten? Für 2 bis 6 Spieler ab 6...
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 40,469 - Board Game - Easyplay for Kids - Rocket - Publisher: Schmidt
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,001 - Company - Finito Easy Play - This game is a simple principle entertainment for the whole family! Each player is consistently integrated into the game. In the end, numbered tokens must be sorted. - Beware! The die has created disorder. You will need a little luck to die and many flair.
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,002 - Company - Big Points Easy Play - This game is subtle and tactics of a first very simple, no need to hesitate before launching. In each part, the course is different colored discs. When all the pieces are on the staircase of arrival, we know very quickly who the winner and you can ... start now a new game.
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,005 - Company - Los Banditos Easy Play - Two bandits gruff share their booty! But since they do not want the other gets the individual's share, they embarked in a small game 24 dice are rolled by like a game room, however, is to use them intelligently to can really make the lion's share.
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,007 - Board Game - Easy Play - Numeri - A very simple principle: you throw the dice and place the token with the number of points obtained in the die on the next blank. Everyone tries to hold boxes that relate with his chips. But it's not just the chance that the dice will win, but also the ability to distribute the numbers...
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,008 - Board Game - Easy Play - Level X - The goal of level x is to choose combinations of dice the cleverest possible in order to place his pieces well and squeeze out other pieces positioned on the boxes rapportent.Mais that you should remain vigilant because the other players also try to take your place ...
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49089 - Games - Bingo - Bingo SSF - Classic Line. 'Bingo! " Wer hat nicht schon diesen Ausrufer gemacht? Das ist Spielprinzip bekannt, aber immer noch aktuell. Der Klassiker aus Holz mit Spielchips. 2 bis für 40 Spieler ab 8 Jahre.
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,092 - Company - Naval Battle - Product Description: Naval battle, The travel version of the famous board game. Exciting duels in perspective. Easy to store and easy to carry in his cardboard box Kit contents: plastic parts, Manufacturer: Schmidt
Schmidt Spiele Schmidt - 49,216 - Board Game - Dog Compact - Product Description: Compact DOG, A travel version of the game proposed dog in a plastic case for easy storage and easy to carry Kit contents: Card + pions, Publisher: Schmidt
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