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Transcend JetRAM Memory - - DIMM 240-pin - 1 GB (JM667QLU-1G) - 1 GB DDR2 RAM, 333 MHz, CL5, DIMM 240-pin, 1 module, Transcend Memory DDR2, 667 MHz frequency, capacity 1GB (JM667QLU-1G)
JetRAM Transcend Memory - - SO DIMM 200-pin - 1 GB PC2-5300 (JM667QSU-1G) - 1 GB, PC2-5300 DDR2 RAM, 667 MHz, CL5, SO DIMM 200-pin, 1 module, DDR2 Memory Transcend sodim, frequency 667 MHz, 1GB capacity (JM667QSU-1G)
JetRAM Transcend - Memory - - SO DIMM 204-pin - DDR3 - 1066 MHz / PC3-8500 - CL7 - 1.5 V 1 GB (B001FVUZNK) - 1GB, 1066 MHz, JetRAM memory, capacity 1 GB, SO DIMM 204-pin DDR3 , bus 1066 MHz / PC3-8500 - CL7 - 1.5 V (JM1066KSU-1G)
JetRAM Transcend Memory - - SO DIMM 204-pin - DDR3 1GB (B001NS4E50) - 1 GB Memory Module, Capacity 1 GB, SO DIMM 204-pin, DDR3, bus 1333 MHz / PC3-10600 - CL9 - 1.5 V, without memory buffer, non-ECC (JM1333KSU-1G)
Transcend JetRAM Memory - - DIMM 240-pin - PC2-5300 2GB (276205) - 2 GB, Non-ECC PC2-5300 DDR2 RAM, 667 MHz, CL5, DIMM 240-pin, 1 Module, Memory Module 2 GB DDR2 667 DIMM 240-pin MHz Unbuffered (JM667QLU-2G)
Transcend JetRAM Memory - - DIMM 240-pin - PC2-6400 2GB (JM800QLU2G) - 2 GB, Unbuffered PC2-6400 DDR2 RAM, 800 MHz, CL5, DIMM 240-pin, 1 Module, Memory Module 2 GB DDR2 800 MHz DIMM 240-pin Unbuffered (JM800QLU-2G)
JetRAM Transcend Memory - - SO DIMM 200-pin - PC2-5300 2GB (TS256MSQ64V6U) - 2 GB, PC2-5300 DDR2 RAM, 667 MHz Memory Module 2 GB DDR2 SO-DIMM 200-pin 667 MHz (JM667QSU-2G)
JetRAM Transcend Memory - - SO DIMM 200-pin - PC2-6400 2GB (JM800QSU-2G) - 2 GB, PC2-6400 DDR2 RAM, 800 MHz, CL5, SO DIMM 200-pin, 1 Module, Memory Module 2 GB SO- DIMM 200-pin DDR2, 800 MHz bus, latency CL5 (JM800QSU-2G)
JetRAM Transcend - Memory - - SO DIMM 204-pin - DDR3 - 1066 MHz / PC3-8500 - CL7 - 1.5 V 2 GB (JM1066KSU2G) - 2GB, 1066 MHz, 2GB Transcend Jetram / GB SO-DIMM DDR3 1066 CL7 2Rx8
JetRAM Transcend Memory - - SO DIMM 204-pin - DDR3 2 GB (JM1333KSU-2G) - 2 GB, Registered Non-ECC Unbuffered, JetRAM Module memory capacity 2 GB, SO DIMM 204-pin, DDR3, bus 1333 MHz / PC3-10600 - CL9 - 1.5 V, unbuffered, ECC (JM1333KSU-2G)
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