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Business Objects Crystal Reports ® 10 Developer

Business Objects Crystal Reports ® 10 Developer

Business Objects Crystal Reports ® 10 Developer - Full Version, Package Type: Retail, For 1 User / s, MPN: DVPRC010, Platforms: Windows 2000

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716,40 €




Key Features

Category: Management and Productivity
Version: Full version
Package Type: Software (96,394): Type of packaging (14844) n nIt are many different types of packaging software to meet the needs of the buyer and vendeur.Les most common are listed below with their description: n n n nDETAIL n nThe software is distributed for sale to the public through online retailers or retail outlet. n n n NOEM n nThis acronym stands for "Original Equipment Manufacturer "or" original equipment ". These items are sold by publishers to companies specializing in software customization for specific applications. The OEM then distribute and sell these customizations to the public under their own name. N n n nGROS n nAll software package sold and bought in large quantities. N n n nLICENCE ONLY n nThese offers consist of custom software (special version) whose sale is permitted only to holders of the license appropriée.Boîte
Platform: The software is not all compatible with all types of computers. Be sure to choose software that is compatible with your system (PC, Mac, Unix, Sun). PC
Media: The media type determines the method for installing the software you use. The pluparDoes the software are provided on CD-ROM and can be installed on your computer via a CD. You can also buy software that install direct download to your PC from Internet. Further, some titles are installed with a map and a port for flash memory. Make sure the media type is compatible with your ordinateur.CD-ROM
Features: The software is sold for a wide range of uses. Choose the software based on its characteristics can refine the use by general categories. Choose the area's overall software recherché.DB / Connectivity
Databases / Reports


License Category: Most consumer software are subject to a license granted to a single user on a single computer for personal use. This is what we call a license "standard". There are also volume licensing for businesses or educational institutions that wish to install the whole same software on several ordinateurs.Standard
Quantity: This is the number of people or machines who received the rights to use the logiciel.1 User / s

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP

Other Features

Packaging: This number is the number of copiesthe software constituting the offer .1


Product ID: 22892073
UPC: 075174514044
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