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Standard DVD
For most of the DVD market. This is a simple DVD player that plugs into a TV and can play both DVD Audio CDs.
As its name suggests, a portable DVD player is designed to be transported easily. Some models combine a DVD player and screen, while others have only a reader. Small, autonomous, <> they are used mostly to enhance long trips.
DVD multi
This type of drive can store between 5 and 400 disks simultaneously. Some devices are able to read a disc without interruption while browsing the rest of your collection.
This unit combines a DVD player and VCR.
DVD Recorder
A DVD recorder can not only play DVDs but also record a DVD movie from a TV or a DVD camera vidéo.Lecteur
Playable Disk Types: DVD Video
File Formats: MPEG4
Release Date: Number of discs as DVD player can multi stocker.1
UPC: 3250110017574
Product #: 106953963